(Updated Monday 10th March 2025)

Welcome to Ostomy NSW - We are here for you on your ostomate journey.



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Nowra / South Coast Education Day: 11th APRIL 2025

When:        Friday 11th April 2025
Where: Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club (The Heads Bowlo)
                Shoalhaven Heads Rd, Shoalhaven Heads NSW 2535
Time:    10am until approx. 3:30pm

More details on the attached invitation here - please RSVP by Friday 31st March 2025
- We are holding a presentation session on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. A copy of presentations is published on this tab. You are welcome to join by sending an email to and a Zoom link is given below:
Meeting ID: 810 8430 4871 | Passcode: 155187

2025 Meeting schedule:
18th March - Reversal Surgery | 15th April - Hydration
20th May – Hernias | 17th June - Diet and exercise / Soluble and insoluble


Support Groups: please click this link for up to date information on support groups around NSW.

Latest Ostomy NSW Journal Autumn 2025

Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) CLINIC is available

Ostomy NSW has available the services of Lee Gavegan; a contract STN operating each Tuesday. Lee has many years of experience with stoma care and believes in the importance of a patient-centred approach to care. Lee's clinic operates is a virtual telehealth process, with consultations utilising mobile phone and video conference facilities. 
Lee is available for all of members to contact her for support and care on Tuesdays from 9am to 3pm. Please call our office on (02) 9542 1300 to make an appointment, and Lee will contact you for a time to meet. This service is especially recommended for members who are unable to see a local Stomal Therapy Nurse.


Current Membership Fees 2024/25

Membership Fees for 2024/25 are now due and must be paid prior to July orders being sent. Thank you for your prompt attention to payments.

Full membership $80 and Concession $70Consider adding $10 voluntary contribution (tax deductible)

Postal Charges - Increase effective 1st July 2024 (first increase in 3 years)
Standard parcel $16 and 2-month parcel $30.
Interstate            $23 and 2-month parcel $45
Express Post       $25  |  Click To Boot  (see below) $5

Delivery timeframes

Please allow 8 to 10 working days for delivery on orders. We can often achieve better during the middle of the month.

When travelling overseas, please submit your order and Department of Health form at least 4 weeks before departure.

Click To Boot
Click To Boot is available for picking up your orders. If you wish to use this service, please nominate this on your order. We require an email address and mobile phone number and will send you details when your order is available to collect. This service has a $5 fee. Collection information is available here.


Medicare Number required with your online order
It is now compulsory to provide your current 11 digit Medicare number, to enable ONL to claim on your behalf.
The 11 digits are the 10 digit sequence on the top of your card; the 11th digit is alongside your name.

Example: 1234 56789 1  1 - My Name
Becomes 12345678911 (no spaces or dashes).

Thank you for your assistance - Ostomy NSW team.

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The Stoma Appliance Scheme assists Australian residents who have undergone stomal surgery and is a national program of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. <more>


Donate Now

ONL is reliant on donations and volunteers. If you can volunteer at ONL on a regular basis please contact our office. Donations, including bequests, are tax deductible. <more>


Company Notices

ONL Company Notices including AGM. <more>