About Us

Introduction to Ostomy NSW Limited (ONL)

Established in 1958 as Ileostomy Association of NSW, we changed our name in 2008 to better reflect our current operations. ONL is a self-help group of people who have undergone surgery resulting in an Ileal Conduit, Ileostomy, Colostomy, Urostomy or other external pouch procedure. ONL is a company limited by guarantee and members have limited liability. A copy of our constitution is available to members on request.

As a not-for-profit company, ONL is reliant on the support of members, friends, volunteers and a very dedicated paid staff. ONL is endorsed as an income tax exempt charitable entity and as a deductible gift recipient. Funds to continue our member services come from fees for distribution of Ostomy appliances under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS); sale of non-PBS products; interest earned on retained funds invested in bank deposits; sale of raffle tickets; donations and bequests.

ONL is administered by a Board of Directors elected annually by members at our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our current Chairman and President, Mr Tom Flood has held the position since 1989.

Volunteers are most welcome. Please contact Colleen on 9542 1300.

Privacy Policy

ONL is bound by the provisions of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. Click for our Privacy Policy.

Q & A

What is Ostomy NSW Ltd (ONL)?

ONL is a not-for-profit association operated for the benefit of members and relying on the support of members, friends, and volunteers. ONL’s primary function is to distribute supplies to members, who are ostomates. These supplies are generally those approved under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). ONL is a company limited by guarantee, owned by its members and was established in 1958. ONL is a registered charity and donations (over $2.00) are tax deductible.

What is an ostomate?

An ostomate is anyone who has a permanent or temporary stoma. A stoma is an artificial opening in the body created by surgery to act as an exit for body waste.

Why am I a member of ONL?

The Australian Government requires that anyone receiving approved supplies under the Stoma Appliances Scheme be a member of an association such as ONL. This ensures that ostomates receive their supplies in accordance with the Scheme in an efficient and cost effective manner. There are twenty-two associations throughout Australia. For details see Department of Health

ONL supplies ostomates throughout NSW with their pharmaceutical products as determined by the member in consultation with their Stoma Therapy Nurse (STN) and in accordance with the PBS.

Do I have to pay to be a member of ONL?

Members are required to pay a membership fee on joining and annually, due on the 1st of July.

Financial Year Full Concession Associates
2024/2025 $80 $70 $10
If you have your supplies sent by mail, postage and handling charges also apply.
  • Packing & Handling Recoveries are $16 NSW and $23 for interstate.
  • Express Post $25
  • 2 Monthly NSW $30; Interstate $45
  • 2 monthly Express NSW $50
Some non-PBS supplies are sold by ONL. Otherwise, your Ostomy supplies are provided at no direct cost to you under the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS).
Who pays for my supplies?

The Stoma Appliance Scheme provides assistance to all Australian residents who have undergone stomal surgery and is a national program of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The Commonwealth Government fully subsidises stoma appliances and pharmaceuticals used by entitled ostomates.  ONL purchases and issues supplies to our members and is then reimbursed by the Commonwealth Government.

The founding members of ONL (and other associations) worked tirelessly for many years to achieve the unique benefits received by ostomates in Australia.

What else does ONL do?

ONL cannot give any medical advice, but does facilitate contact between its members and health professionals as well as supplier company representatives.

Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) CLINIC is available

Ostomy NSW has available the services of Lee Gavegan; a contract STN operating each Tuesday. Lee has many years of experience with stoma care and believes in the importance of a patient-centred approach to care. Lee's clinic operates as a virtual telehealth process, with consultations utilising mobile phone and video conference facilities.

Lee is available for all of members to contact her for support and care on Tuesdays from 9am to 3pm. Please call our office on (02) 9542 1300 to make an appointment, and Lee will contact you for a time to meet. This service is especially recommended for members who are unable to see a local Stomal Therapy Nurse.

A newsletter is published to keep members informed about current issues affecting them. ONL also distributes the national Ostomy Australia journal.

Through the Australian Council of Stoma Associations (ACSA) we liaise with the Federal Government to ensure that the PBS and other government policy reflects the best interests of our members.

Who runs ONL?

A volunteer Board of Directors is elected at each Annual General Meeting held in November. A small team of paid staff works closely with a very dedicated group of volunteers.

How can I help ONL?

ONL is reliant on donations and volunteers. If you, family, friends or associates can volunteer at ONL on a regular basis please contact our office. We need help with packing and distribution and in the office. Our Board would also welcome help with special projects. Donations, including bequests are tax deductible.

How do I get my supplies?

You need to place a written order when you need more supplies. Most people order monthly or when their supplies reach a particular level. Never order more than you need. You should use an ONL order form and post, fax or email to ONL allowing time for your order to be processed. Our address and email details are shown above. Your order may be posted, in which case you need to pay postage and handling charges either at the time of ordering or in advance. You may also collect your order from our Kirrawee distribution centre after sending us your written order.